SmartMetrics provides Instagram Analytics.
We provide following metrics for accounts:
Followers count (total) by day
Followers growth (relative) by day
Followers gender
Followers publicity (percentage of followers with private accounts)
Potential Reach (maximum number of people that can see your post on activity tab)
Geography of followers (countries, cities, map)
Gained and lost followers (count by day, list of usernames)
Profile engagement rate (which part of your followers interacted with your profile)
Also we provide following metrics for posts:
Count of posts (by type), displayed by day
Count of interactions (likes and comments) by day (Impressions)
Detailed interactions (likes and comments for photo and viseo content) by day
Posts engagement rate (which part of your followers interacted with your posts)
Detailed stat of posts (with count of interactions and engagement rate)
Best time for posting (based on interactions of your audience with your content)
Most engaged types of posts
Used filters and most engaged filters
Used tags and most engaged tags
You can filter this data by tag or by time range.
Please read about all features and metrics.
Yes, you can track your competitors, but some metrics will be unavailable: followers gender, privacy, geography, reach and gained and lost followers.
Just contact us: [email protected] or use a link in payment confirmation.